Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wasting 3 Hours

Hooray for my first blog!!!

Unfortunately, I know I'll never update it, as the only reason I created it is so I can comment on Priscilla's one. Still, it is a giant step forward for me, the girl who is allergic to any kind of technology.

I'm currently sitting in the library waiting for the stupid Scholar's Recital to start. Why do we need a concert anyway? No-one ever comes, and all of the girls who play in the first half go home during interval anyway. As usual, I am almost last in the program, so only Dr Greenhalgh will be a witness to my performance.

Speaking of which, Mr Baldwin is currently sitting behind me, playing chess. By himself, I might add. That would drive me absolutely insane! How does he know which half should win??

Perhaps I should stop wasting time and actually revise for the school certificate....although that might be considered actually making productive use of my time....no, absolutely essentail that doesn't happen. What would people think? My whole reputation would go down the drain!

Anyway, shall go and consider what I'm going to eat for dinner. Big choice: chicken, salad or pasta...how tempting! If I was having dinner at home I would probably be eating a tofu stir-fry!

Love to all,


Flick said...

aww you actually did post!
now we're gonna bug you until you post fairly regularly, you eventually get used to it... blogs are good for complaining and showing off random crap that you find ;P

missMatched_moD said...

wewt! jen has a blog!! :D
now i have ANOTHER one to stalk when im bored/procrastinating! ^_^

Flick said...

Caitlin - just do what I do... go through the list of bogs that Pris is following ;P

Flick said...

As a comment from me, caely, vysheki and pris is --> you write good blogs!

Priscilla Lau said...

No seriously, you do write awesome blogs!


Barnabas said...

woo blog woo

Playing chess by himself? /respect; I always end up siding with one colour. ¬¬