Friday, November 7, 2008

How to Win Friends day was had by all today, especially those of you lucky enough to be in the wonderful Kent House.

Today during house time (how we all love it) the first auditions for the annual Inter-House Arts Competition were held. This is a contest in which the 4 houses get to compete against each other in vocal, dance, drama and instrumental sections.

Being Kent's arts officer, it was my job to ensure the auditions ran smoothly, and also to organise the program order, and the voting slips. This was a surprisingly difficult task, as the ladies in the photocopying room aren't always the most co-operative, and there had also been considerable technology issues.

Therefore, I was quite stressed, although this is my usual state of mind, as most people well know. And when I am stressed, I tend to snap at everyone, no matter what they may have done, said or even not have done. So the poor girls who decided to pull out at the last minute were rewarded with a nice tantrum. Actually, ALL of Kent was witness to this, as were a dozen teachers.

All in all, it was a wonderful day, and I have now been rewarded with the title of "mini Miss Robertson", our very small, but extremely intimidating band teacher. I also still have a headache, after slamming my head in the music studio door. Most people stop doing that when they are about 5; 10 years on, and I'm still doing it.

I'm sure the Kent girls are so excited about the prospect of me teaching them and conducting a song next year for the Inter-House Choir Competition...I have just made so many new friends. This would be why I'm so very popular and appealing as a friend.

Still, now that I've finished venting, have a marvelous weekend!

Love to you all,


Priscilla Lau said...


you were in a tuff, BUT I WAS SO PWOUD OF YOU! I woulda done the same. If i was charity i woulda done the same. >_>


Flick said...

you're not a mini miss robertson... she's a large Jen!!! except she's less sexi (with an i)

Jen said...

no Pris, I was so proud of you! And you were unbelievingly good!

True, Flick. And she has funny hair. I think it's a military thing.

Innocence is lost said...

wat do u mean a mini mrs robertson....???? and anyways our house was even more spastic!!!...
aww i really want to know who got in from your house

Priscilla Lau said...

I WANNA KNOW WHO GOT IT! I got really freaked coz people were voting for me. =S

also, yeeeey mrs. robertson. >_>

thanks Jen. you're awesome =P

missMatched_moD said...

i just realised ive never actually seen you get
good on you jen! those ppl probly deserved it anyways! :D
and you're nothing like miss robertson (trust us!)

Caely said...

(now, would I say that to ms Robertson?)

Lou said...

what flick said! none of this mini mrs robertson! people live up to jen not the other way around!

our house arts was funny, but pris im sure you did awesomely, especially if you were playing they way you practised it for me when you knew how to play it by heart